Reichert v. INVO PEO / SUNZ Insurance

HR Law Cases

JCC Anthony (Tampa) – (Greg White)(9-14-22) – The JCC denied all benefits.  While the JCC rejected the E/C’s misrepresentation defense, the claimant’s credibility was questioned by the JCC.  The claimant alleged an injury to multiple body parts purportedly from being bounced in a truck.  The claimant was difficult in deposition testimony and did deny prior relevant conditions.  He also provided different descriptions of accident. The claimant could not identify a specific event that caused his alleged injuries, but felt it had to occur while he was working since he did not hurt when the day started.  Medical records from his unauthorized personal provider state the symptoms had been present for months.   He stated the roads he drove were bouncy.  However, testimony established the claimant drove a new truck with air seats and drove I-275 and I-75 and I-10 running his route from Brandon to Tallahassee.  Those roads are not exactly rough.  The JCC accepted the testimony of the E/C IME, which had been videotaped, that the claimant could not have been injured as described.  Click here to view Order