charlie better

New webinar opp – Major Contributing Cause: Before & After Valcourt

Firm News
(5-19-21) These are dynamic times to defend Workers’ Compensation claims:  Florida law has changed  significantly, and mostly for the better, with just one adjuster’s trip over a dog.  Without understanding these changes, risk personnel could end up accepting claims that would otherwise be dog-gone losers!

Join Andy Borah, Matt Bennett and Vanessa Irvin for a one-hour webinar that explains:
·        What is MCC & what’s needed to prove it;
·        How MCC has changed since 2019’s Valcourt-Williams decision;
·        How to handle various MCC scenarios today, including Premises Rule, Special Requirements, Going & Coming, Deviation from Employment and Traveling Employees.

Monday, May 24 at 10:30 a.m. Contact to register.