Felix v. Tampa Airlines / Broadspire Services / Zenith

HR Law Cases

JCC Jacobs (Orlando) (Andy Borah) (6-19-23)– Awarded significant decrease in requested attorney’s fees and costs. Claimant’s counsel represented the claimant from October 2006 through October 2013. He claimed entitlement to attorney’s fees and costs from the E/C for allegedly securing compensation and medical benefits in the total amount of $156,220.00 through the prosecution of six PFB’s. Claimant’s counsel argued that he and the attorneys in his firm spent 470.45 hours of time and labor to secure benefits for claimant and to establish entitlement to attorney’s fees and costs from the E/C. He requested a fee of $199,941.25 based on an hourly rate of $425.00 and costs of $36.29. The E/C argued that the value of the benefits obtained were only $381.96 and that claimant’s counsel reasonably expended 54.25 hours at a $300.00 hourly rate. After reviewing the Lee Engineering factors, the JCC determined that claimant’s counsel reasonably expended 103.6 hours at the E/C requested rate of $300.00/hour for a total fee of $31,080.00.   Click here to view Order